Cambridge to Isleham

Wicken to Isleham

Three walks:

The final three walks of this section from Cambridge to Isleham are the last three on the main Trail from the Lincolnshire border to the Suffolk border.

1 (29) Wicken to Soham – due 2024

2 (30) Soham to Fordham – being developed

3 (31) Fordham to Isleham – due 2024


Would you or your group like to be involved in developing this part of the Trail? Contact us for information.

Walk 1 (29): Wicken to Soham

Due 2024

Starting at the famous fenland site of Wicken Fen, this walk takes you through the village of Wicken itself and then across the extensive, flat ‘plain’ of what was once the bed of the ancient Soham Mere, to finish in the town of Soham. The ‘little travelled’ route across the mere gives you a fascinating insight into the, now vanished, landscape of the mere and its surrounds. This was a huge wetland area that provided a good living for the people of the surrounding settlements. Now drained and farmed, the footprint of the mere still remains in the lake marl deposits that have survived on top of the peat over much of the area. he name of Soham itself probably has its origins in Anglo Saxon words for wet, drained areas.  As you walk along the eastern side of the area of the mere, nearing Soham, you cross Soham Lode, the modified course of the River Snail.

Walk 2 (30): Soham to Fordham

Being developed

Walk 3 (31): Fordham to Isleham

due 2024


© Cambridgeshire Geological Society